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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Saving Candle Wax and Tiny Wicks

How can you make your candles last longer? How can you avoid having to throw out a perfectly good candle holder when you still have lots of wax and only a tiny wick?

These are some questions I asked myself when I grabbed my used candles this evening. This is what I've found can solve this dilemma. "How To Make Candles Last Longer" Personally, I find that candles last longer when they burn evenly rather than hallow.

But what about in the meantime when I have lots of wax left over? Well, I melted the wax of a few different candles on a low heat over the stove. Poured the wax from different candles into the candle holders with the longest wicks.

Now, my "happily ever after" is: I have 2 more usable candles than I did before and I didn't have to throw anything out.

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