Welcome to my tiny portion of the world. Reading through this will give you some insight to my life and what happiness really is to me.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Here is a tough night.

Lately life has felt like a pretty big struggle.

I'm back on my chemo after a fairly long break (started up about a week ago). I'm sitting here wanting to write, but not knowing what to say. My needle is beside me and I know that I should just get it over with but everytime I think about it or look at it, I get a rush of anxiety.

Tonight I think I need a friend to talk to and remind me why I am doing this. (My kids, my husband, my parents, my whole family, my friends, my health, my contentment, my well-being - which in turn will lead to my kid's well-being)

The hard part is over. This should be easy. It shouldn't be such a struggle right now. I should just DO IT! Get it over with.


  1. ((hugs)) Sorry it is such a struggle right now. I hope you were able to get through it and that tomorrow will be an easier day.

    Sometimes when I feel the anxiety/cancer head coming on I decide to turn it off and stop thinking altogether. I make a date with myself to think about it again the next day. I think the decision to think about it tomorrow is what helps me to actually stop thinking about it. Usually by the time I come back to it in the light of day, things seem much more manageable. xx

  2. I'm so sorry this is so hard. You can do this! Big hugs to you.
