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Monday, September 27, 2010

Today I Got Creative

Wayne came home from work and, as per usual, he took his dirty work boots off in the dining room after trailing dirt in from outside.

I've stopped nagging him about it, but that didn't seem to make a difference. So I took my mother-in-laws advice and started making signs.

He hasn't seen them yet because as soon as he got home he had to go out again. I thought I would get creative with what I had on hand which were the kids markers and construction paper.

Whats more annoying? A sign you see all the time? Or me constantly repeating myself? I guess we'll find out! :)

Dirty boots in the dining room..

"Holy Halloween" - Notice the hole behind the picture. Its been like that for over a year now.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!! Maybe i should try that I know C would love to make signs for me!
