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Monday, September 6, 2010

Anatomy Lesson

Today I was feeling very "off". I've been put on a new medication that will reduce my anxiety and it seems to be helping since I was actually able to have a good sleep today.

I napped from about 4 in the afternoon until about 11:00 tonight. It was a good sleep and I woke up feeling very rested. But now, it is 2 in the morning and I don't feel very tired at all. I may have to tire out my body by going for a walk or something, but its just so late.

I tried reading a little bit. And actually, that helped. I was reading Yoga Anatomy by Leslie Kaminoff and it is a great book. Even if you know nothing about yoga or don't have a keen interest in even trying yoga, this book would likely change your mind. Its a super easy to follow text book about why yoga is so good for the body. It's unbiased and not spiritual (really), its just the basic anatomy of yoga - hence the name of the book.

Its a great starting point if you want to feel healthier and happier. I want to try and replace all medications with yoga, walking and healthy eating, but of course that is something that would take a long time to do. I have to start out slowly and carefully.  But I will get there! :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that you were able to get some rest!

    The Yoga Anatomy book sounds very interesting! Thanks for sharing.

    Replacing all medications with exercise and healthy eating sounds wonderful - the way health issues should be dealt with! We are cheering you on! You can do it! =)

    So glad we came across your blog today. You are truly an inspiration. =)

